Fee, reimbursement and referral

Helen Althuizen coaching | psychotherapy | reintegration has contracts with all health insurers for psychotherapy, with the exception of VGZ and Menzis. The practice maintains market rates for its coaching and reintegration services. You are only billed for the time spent for treatment.

If you require additional information on coaching, psychotherapy or reintegration, you can contact the practice at any time—no referral is required. All therapy programs will start with an initial consultation, during which you can decide whether or not you would like to proceed with further sessions. 

Read more about the session  procedure and duration here.  



In order to proceed with psychotherapy you will require a referral from your GP. Psychotherapy is covered by basic insurance (for both basic and specialized health care packages) in case the DSM-diagnosis is acknowledged by your health insurer. Under these conditions all costs except for your annual own risk will be reimbursed by your health insurer.

If you need to cancel a follow-up session, doing so without 24 hours’ notice will result in a €100 charge, whatever the reason may be.


Fees are tax deductible for:

  • Business owners, as business expenses.
  • Private Individuals, if the coaching can be considered necessary training in order to maintain or improve knowledge/skills in order to earn or secure income.
  • Employees, if given a referral or consent from their supervisor or HR. Costs incurred by the employer are tax deductible. 

Cancelling a follow-up session without at least 48 hours’ notice will result in you being charged in full for your session.

Work Reintegration

Employees need a referral from their supervisor, HR department or their company doctor in order to start the work reintegration program. Costs incurred by the employer are tax deductible.  

Cancelling a follow-up session without at least 48 hours’ notice will result in you being charged in full for your session.